RC14 - Politics and Ethnicity

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15Jul 2021

RC14 Board, 2021-23


RC Leadership

Chair: Allison McCulloch, Brandon University, Canada (McCullochA@brandonu.ca)

Vice-Chairs: Sheetal Sheena Sookrajowa, University of Mauritius, (s.sookrajowa@uom.ac.mu) and Timofey Agarin, Queen’s University Belfast, UK (t.agarin@qub.ac.uk)

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18Apr 2020

Update on RC14 Board from Board Chair

I appreciate your confidence and appreciate the unanimously expressed preference that the RC leadership and the Board continue their work throughout the next year. I have heard from a majority of sitting and voting board members and  ex officio board members (advisory vote) entrusting RC14’s leadership for another year to Allison McCulloch and myself. Thank you for your confidence and we hope to prepare the grounds for the orderly transition at the next year’s WC 2021.

In the meantime, please note that at the next year’s congress will need to take decision on three issues:

1.The term on board of the RC is running out for three of our 12 members, and another, elected in 2018,l has also indicated that he would like to step down as soon as we have a replacement. This means we are looking for (at least) three new members to join us on the Board in the summer of 2021.

2.As in the past, the roles of Events Officers will be open to colleagues involved in and hosting the colloquia of the RC; and since our Diversity Monitor intends to depart from the role as soon as we have found a replacement, we are looking for candidates to fill these positions now. Note, that these roles do come with membership on the Board, so if you do know of candidates able and willing to join us, do encourage them to contact myself to discuss.

3.The WC2023 will be taking place a year after the end of the last possible (consequent) term for the sitting RC’s Chair and Vice Chair. We are therefore keen to identify potential candidates to take over these roles at the WC2021. This will allow Allison and myself to continue operating the RC jointly with the new leadership for a period and allow the new cohort to shadow our work to facilitate smooth transition in 2022.

I believe this should settle the RCs business matters for the time being. Do keep us posted on your activities/research outputs/projects and events you are organising in your home institutions, further afield, or, as is likely to be the case from now on, online. I will be delighted to repost the news to our members and will be looking forward seeing you all in Lisbon next summer, if not earlier in Belgium for the extraordinary colloquium this coming December. Again, do promote the event to your colleagues and friends!

Timofey Agarin, RC14 Chair

18Apr 2020

Call for Papers: Disruption, Crisis, Opportunity: Whither Democratic Governance?

Disruption, Crisis, Opportunity: Whither Democratic Governance?

Conference organised jointly by the

RC14 Politics and Ethnicity, RC28 Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance, RC13 Democratization in Comparative Perspective, RC08 Legislative Specialists, RC30 Comparative Public Policy

Brussels (TBC), 14 – 17 December 2020

This conference will bring together a number of IPSA research committees to reflect upon and examine the challenges faced by democracies in the light of a sequence of interrelated political, economic, social disruptions.

Over the past two decades, European societies have experienced a series of disruptions to what was at the time perceived as the regular way of life: COVID-19 pandemic, UK’s departure from the EU, the so-called refugee crisis, financial crisis, increasing mobility of labour across the EU, EU enlargement, and 9/11, to name but a few. What have international organisations, national, regional, local level authorities innovated in response to acute challenges; and have these actually made a difference in dealing with these different challenges? How have democratic institutions responded to citizens’ needs?

The conference will provide an opportunity to examine the role of local, national, regional, and international actors in the changing role of democratic governance over the past two decades. As we are entering an unchartered territory of political and societal response to the ongoing pandemic, some of the changes to our everyday interactions are plain to see already: Despite widespread concern about increasing reliance on digital technology over face-to-face communications, the period of lockdown has underlined the value of live communications between people. At the same time, whereas the value of face-to-face meetings is out of question, teleconferencing has become widely accepted as a way to hold official meetings from small research teams to the EU Commission. This is likely to have an impact on the frequency of travel, availability of and cost of transport, that is for those companies that will be likely to evade bankruptcy. The overall emphasis on economic competitiveness of national economies aside, the EU’s economic integration is likely to shift into further areas of cooperation, such as provisions of healthcare, coordinating supply chains and service delivery to citizens and long-term residents, as we witness in response to the pandemic. However, as countries in Europe have closed their borders, there are also some serious questions being asked about the long-term impact and sustainability of the European integration project.

We welcome contributions that focus on moments of disruption to the “European way of life” as critical junctures in policy, political and institutional developments across Europe, and as such have had ripples across the globe. Moreover, the US under President Trump, Russia under President Putin, and countries in the Global South have had to develop their own coping strategies to the current crisis. How has this affected their governance mechanisms, institutions and political elites? Has there been a substantial impact on the role of trust that citizens have in their elites? Are we witnessing an authoritarian revival in the wake of the current pandemic, as some have predicted, quoting Hungary and Israel as examples? To what extent has the current crisis, and previous crises, exposed state weakness in parts of the world, and how have regional and international organisations reacted?

Papers that focus on the social, economic and legal challenges posed by crises, past and ongoing, how they have affected or are likely to affect the future direction of politics in diverse settings are particularly welcome. We welcome proposals that develop case studies or compare the effects of crises on popular societal response, policy change, political innovation, institutional design, and/or accommodation of novel approaches to delivering governance in response to ongoing pandemic.

Given that the conference will be convened at the end of year 2020, the year which will no doubt allow some re-evaluation of policy response to the major public health emergence in our lifetime, we will continue to keep applicants updated on the progress of organisation throughout in reflecting on the developing circumstances.

We invite proposals for individual paper contributions and/or panels that engage empirically, conceptually and normatively with these issues. We aim to feature the best of contemporary research on democratic governance under conditions of uncertainty or galvanised by moments of radical and unanticipated challenge, including new research by established academics as well as by early career scholars.

Proposals for papers should include contact details of the author(s), title and an abstract of no more than 200 words.

Panel proposals must include:

· A minimum of three papers and a maximum of four

· Contact details for all paper-givers, the discussant and chair

· Panel title and short description of panel (no more than 200 words)

· Individual paper titles and short abstract (no more than 100 words)

The final deadline for the electronic submission of paper and panel proposals is 23:59 Brussels time, June 30 2020. Notices of acceptance will be sent out the week of July 13 2020. Proposals should be submitted online at: https://form.jotform.com/tagarin/disrupt

All participants will be required to register for the conference. IPSA has implemented a new category of membership for citizens from low and lower-middle income countries; the list of eligible countries can be found here: https://www.ipsa.org/membership/individual/global_south_category . Please self-identify at the time of registration.

Early Bird Registration Fees (before October 1 2020):

Faculty Rate: Non-member 100 €; Member 80 €; Member from Global South 60 €

Student Rate: Non-member 60 €; Member 50 €; Member from Global South 40€

Participants from institutions in the Global South, as well as participants without presentation: 50€

After October 1 2020, the student rate will be raised by 20 € and by 40 € for the remaining categories. The cost of the conference dinner is 35 € and should be paid at the time of registration.

The organizers will endeavor to provide a select pool of graduate students/early career academics with a bursary to partially cover travel expenses to the location of the conference. Please identify your eligibility and if you wish to be considered for the bursary at the time of your submission. The decision on the pool of recipients will be made in August 2020.

Alongside the academic panels, our colloquium will feature a series of roundtables sponsored by the individual research committees.


08Aug 2018

Call for Papers: Diversity and Democratic Governance, Sarajevo, June 2019

Call for Papers: Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Prospects


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11Jun 2018

2018 World Congress

We look forward to welcoming you to Brisbane next month for the 25th IPSA World Congress. 

The conference program is now online. Please note that the schedule is still subject to change.

The RC14 Business Lunch will be held on July 23 at 12:45 to 13:45 in Foyer/GH-T12. Join us for a report on our activities since our last meeting in Poznan in 2016 and to hear about future plans for the RC. All are welcome to attend!

19Jan 2018

Travel Bursaries for IPSA Congress 2018 Brisbane

We are able to offer four scholarships to young academics and/or academics from the Global South who are presenting a paper at the Brisbane IPSA 2018 Congress. There are four categories of scholarships:
- PhD student from an institution located in the Global South (one bursary, 500 Euro)
- Faculty member from an institution located in the Global South (one bursary, 400 Euro)
- PhD student from an institution located elsewhere (i.e, not located in the Global South), (two bursaries, 250 Euro each)
- Individual who convenes a panel at the IPSA Congress in Brisbane and who has been a member of IPSA since the last World Congress (Poznan, 2016) (250 Euro).

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19Jul 2017

Joint IPSA RC Colloquium Report

The Joint IPSA RC Colloquium on Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies was held at the University of Cyprus on June 24-27, 2017. 

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20Apr 2017

Call for Papers: IPSA World Congress 2018

Dear RC14 folks, 

The Call for Papers for the 25th IPSA World Congress is now available. The conference will be held in Brisbane, Australia in July 2018 under the theme of Borders and Margins. We invite all RC14 members to consider submitting paper and panel proposals.

Call for proposals opens on 10 May 2017 and closes on 10 October 2017.

For more information, please consult the IPSA WC website. 

25Oct 2016

JOINT CONFERENCE: Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies





Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies

Nicosia Campus, University of Cyprus, 24-27 June 2017

This conference will bring together three IPSA research committees to examine the challenges of designing democratic institutions in divided societies.

The conference will provide an opportunity to examine the role of different factors (e.g., ethnicity, gender, class, political institutions, efficacy of multi-level governance, the intersection between peace and democratic stability) in fostering democratization in the context of regional and global integration. We welcome contributions that focus on democratization as an open-ended process driven by either internal or external factors, embedded in local, regional, or global dynamics as well as social, economic and legal legacies of the past.

The conference will be convened in Nicosia, Cyprus at the time when the country is undergoing a complex and historic process of designing political institutions to bridge the gap between the island’s divided communities. In particular, we welcome proposals that reflect upon the constitutional design process in Cyprus as well as proposals that develop case studies or comparison of issues of democratization evident in any part of the world or those which engage a theoretical perspective on institutional and constitutional designs in ethnically, religiously, nationally and linguistically divided societies.

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • How might the changing role of ethnicity and cultural cleavages influence constitutional design in democracies?
  • What are the factors (e.g., gender, class, etc.) shaping contemporary democratization and institution-building in divided places?
  • Are there regional variations in and of democratic models?
  • What are the benchmarks for democratic standards in divided societies?

We invite proposals for individual paper contributions and/or panels engaging these issues. Proposals that consider how federal, power-sharing or other multi-level devices could be applied to deeply divided territories are particularly welcome. We aim to feature the best of contemporary research on democratic transitions and constitutional design, including new research by established academics as well as by early career scholars.

The keynote speaker is John McGarry, Professor of Political Studies, Canada Research Chair in Nationalism and Democracy at Queen’s University Canada.

Proposals for papers should include contact details of the author(s) and an abstract of up to 200 words.

Panel proposals must include:

  • a minimum of three papers and a maximum of four
  • contact details of paper-givers, and (if you have them) the discussant and chair
  • Panel title and individual paper titles
  • Short description of panel (max 200 words)

The final deadline for electronic submission of proposals for papers or panels will be 31 January 2017.  Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 10 February 2017.  Proposals should be submitted online at: https://form.jotformeu.com/62653954338364

All participants will be required to register for the conference. IPSA has implemented a new category of membership for citizens from low and lower-middle income countries; the list of eligible countries can be found here: https://www.ipsa.org/membership/individual/global_south_category

Early Bird Registration Fees (before 1 May 2017):


Faculty Rate:

Non-member 120 €

Member 100 €

Member from Global South 80 €


Student Rate:


Non-member 80 €

Member 60 €

Member from Global South 40 €


After 1 May 2017, the student rate will be raised by 20 € and by 40 € for the remaining categories.

The organizers will endeavor to provide a selected pool of graduate students/young academics with a bursary to cover at least a part of their travel expenses to the location of colloquium. The decision on the pool of recipients will be made in May 2017. 

Organizing committee: Timofey Agarin, Queen’s University Belfast, UK; Allison McCulloch, Brandon University, Canada; Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, University of Warsaw, Poland; Melba Nyabereka, Monash University, South Africa; Paolo Dardanelli, University of Kent, UK; Thomas D. Lancaster, Emory University, USA

Inquiries can be directed to the organizers at: ipsa.colloquium2017@gmail.com


24Sep 2016

2016 Report for RC 14


Chair Timofey Agarin; Vice-Chair Allison McCulloch


As the newly elected Chair, I would like to provide you, as members of RC 14, with an update on our recent activities and our future plans.

Recent RC 14 conference meetings

Joint Conference on 'Rethinking Territoriality. Between Independence and Interdependence' (Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2015)

The Research Committee's latest colloquium in September 2015 at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland was a tremendous success. For the first time, we joined forces with two other RCs - RC 28 (Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance) and RC 50 (Politics of Language)  - for a three-day event under the framework theme of ‘Territorial politics.’ More than 70 papers presented from both young and established scholars.

IPSA World Congress (Poznan, Poland, July 2016)

RC 14 was among the most active and visible research committees at the 2016 World Congress in Poznan. With 18 sponsored and co-sponsored panels, the RC is in very good standing in anticipation of the Brisbane World Congress in 2018 (see more below). A full listing of panels from Pozznan can be found at: https://wc2016.ipsa.org/events/istanbul2016/session/rc14-politics-and-ethnicity. By clicking on a panel name, you can see the list of abstracts for that panel.

Upcoming Conferences and Meetings

Joint Conference on Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies (Nicosia, Cyprus, tentatively scheduled for June 2017)

With the next World Congress scheduled for 2018 in Brisbane, Australia, we are planning to host an interim joint colloquium in 2017. Allison and I, working in conjunction with our colleague, Neo Loizides (University of Kent), are in the initial planning stages for the conference, which will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus in late June 2017. We are exploring collaborating with RC 28 (Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance) and RC13 (Comparative Democratisation) to host the meeting, which should allow us access to IPSA funds. We are now in the process of crafting a call for papers and will be issuing it shortly to the list and we would like to encourage you all to apply for participation and disseminate it widely. Watch this space for more details!

IPSA World Congress (Brisbane, Australia, July 2018)

Looking ahead to the next World Congress, we have asked Stephanie Lawson (Macquarie University) to act as our local contact person. She will help us to identify opportunities early on for formal and informal meetings during the WC but will also help to bring the focus on Ethnicity in Politics to the fore, especially on the issue of indigenous peoples. One possibility we are exploring is to have a plenary session on the theme of Ethnicity and Politics at the WC in Brisbane.

The Call for Papers for the World Congress should be expected in July 2017. At that time, I will issue a call to our membership for paper and panel proposals directly in order to better facilitate the creation of panels for Brisbane. We encourage you all to apply for participation and to disseminate the CfP widely.


23Sep 2016

New RC 14 Board

Chair: Timofey Agarin, Queen’s University Belfast, UK (t.agarin@qub.ac.uk)

Vice-Chair: Allison McCulloch, Brandon University, Canada (McCullochA@brandonu.ca)



  • Przemysław Biskup, University of Warsaw, Poland

  • Radu Carciumaru, Heidelberg University, Germany

  • John Boye Ejobowah, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada

  • Ryo Nakai, Rikkyio University, Japan

  • Kathryn L. Wood, Mission College, Santa Clara, US

  • Andre Lecours, University of Ottawa, Canada

  • Luis Moreno, Spanish National Research Council, Spain

  • Ilana Kaufman, Open University, Israel

  • Stephanie Lawson, MacQuarie University, Australia

  • Aleksandar Pavkovic, MacQuarie University, Australia

  • Sangit Ragi, University of Delhi, India


Ex-officio members:

  • Britt Cartrite

  • Adrian Guelke

  • Benni Neuberger

  • Dov Ronen

  • William Safran

  • Jean Tournon

  • John Trent

  • Ramon Maiz

  • Ilan Peleg

  • Olga Malinova

10Aug 2014

Montreal 2014 World Congress

The Montreal World Congress was a very active and successful meeting for the RC 14. We sponsored and co-sponsored fifteen panels with sixty-nine presentations. A list of the panels is provided below; clicking on a panel will provide links to each abstract/paper.

In addition, at the RC 14 business meeting the board position of "interim Communications Director" was created, and Dr. Timofey Agarin (t.agarin@qub.ac.uk) was unanimously elected to the position. Be watching for communications from Dr. Agarin in the near future!

16Aug 2013

Latest news from the RC 14!

Greetings from the RC 14!

The Research Committee's latest meeting this past July at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, was a tremendous success. Thirty-six papers were presented from scholars representing twenty-three institutions in ten countries. Abstracts and contact information for all presentations can be found on the "Sydney 2013" link on the right.

Planning has already begun for the next IPSA World Congress, to be held in Montreal 19-24 July 2014. The RC has accepted four open panel proposals and is now accepting proposals for panels and papers. The deadline for proposals is 22 September, 2013. For the complete information on the call for proposals, please click on the "CfP" link on the right.

We will host a publications page on this website for members of the RC. To have recent publications included on the list, please contact Britt Cartrite (cartrite@alma.edu).

To be added to the RC e-mail list, please contact Britt Cartrite (cartrite@alma.edu). Alternatively, you can subscribe to our RSS feed to be informed of updates to this site!

We hope to see you in Montreal!


Britt Cartrite, RC 14 Chair