Paper and panel selection for the 25th IPSA World Congress 2018 in Brisbane is well under way and we, the Research Committee 14 on Politics and Ethnicity, would like to let you know that we will be undertaking the review of the papers and panel proposals submitted to our session until 10 December 2017. At this stage, we are creating panels out of the individual paper proposals submitted to our session and updating any information available in the system taking into consideration any remaining single paper proposals.
During the process Allison and I have noted that a large number of potential applicants might face difficulties travelling to the Congress half world away. We have agreed to use some of the funding at our disposal to provide travel bursaries to some of the young academic delegates.
We are able to offer four scholarships to young academics and/or academics from the Global South who are presenting a paper at the Brisbane IPSA 2018 Congress. There are four categories of scholarships:
- PhD student from an institution located in the Global South (one bursary, 500 Euro)
- Faculty member from an institution located in the Global South (one bursary, 400 Euro)
- PhD student from an institution located elsewhere (i.e, not located in the Global South), (two bursaries, 250 Euro each)
- Individual who convenes a panel at the IPSA Congress in Brisbane and who has been a member of IPSA since the last World Congress (Poznan, 2016) (250 Euro).
Your application should be submitted via email and include a brief explanation (max. 200 words) as to why you are applying for the bursary and a summary of your past engagement with the RC14, where appropriate, including the date you joined. Only those who were IPSA members at the point when this email was sent are eligible to apply. Bursary recipients will need to be present at the Congress and make themselves known to the Chair (Timofey Agarin) and Vice-Chair (Allison McCulloch) of the RC at the Business Meeting. The bursary will be paid out to individuals after the Congress via bank transfer.
All applications should be sent to by February 1. Each application will be considered on merit by the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the RC14 and recipients will be notified by March 1, 2018.